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Paracel Islands Facts and Tourism

A collection of facts, general information and travel resources for Paracel Islands visitors and residents.

NAME IN ENGLISH: Paracel Islands
DESCRIPTION: archipelago and disputed territory ih the South China Sea
STATUS: claimed by China, Vietnam and Taiwan
ALSO KNOWN AS: Xisha Islands (and) Hoàng Sa Archipelago
LOCATION: groups if islands in the South China Sea

- BBC "China To Open Paracel Island to Tourism" 2003 Article"
- CNN Travel "Contentious Cruising Paracel Islands" 2021 Article
- wikivoyage.org - paracel islands

- BBC "What Does Disputed Paracel Island Look Like?" 2016 Article
- World Fact Book Paracel Islands Profile | 1990 | 2004 | 2022 | - wikipedia.org - paracel islands - main article
- wikipedia.org - paracel islands - category
- wikipedia.org - paracel islands history - category

Closest Countries and Territories:
| China | Philippines | Taiwan | Vietnam |

Bodies of Water Bordering Paracel Islands:
- South China Sea

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