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Fruit Recipes Collection

A group of fruit recipes collected by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.

Recipes by Fruit Type

Berry Recipes

Citrus Fruit Recipes

Dried Fruit Recipes

Stone Fruit Recipes

Tropical Fruit Recipes

Tree Fruit Recipes

Recipes by Fruit Name

Apple Recipes
Apricot Recipes
Avocado Recipes

Banana Recipes
Blackberry Recipes
Blueberry Recipes

Canteloupe Recipes
Cherry Recipes
Chokeberry Recipes
Coconut Recipes
Crabapple Recipes
Cranberry Recipes

Date Recipes
Durian Recipes

Fig Recipes

Grape Recipes
Grapefruit Recipes
Gooseberry Recipes
Guava Recipes

Kiwi Recipes

Melon Recipes

Papaya Recipes
Peach Recipes
Pear Recipes
Persimmon Recipes
Pineapple Recipes
Plum Recipes
Pomegranate Recipes

Quince Recipes

Raisin Recipes
Raspberry Recipes

Strawberry Recipes

Watermelon Recipes

- Dragon Fruit
- Mulberry
- Nectarine
- Pawpaw


Collections of Fruit Recipes:
allrecipes.com - fruits and- egetables - fruit recipes
bbc.co.uk - food - fruit recipes
foodnetwork.com - fruit Recipes
wikibooks.org - fruit recipes - category

About Fruit:
crfg.org - library - fruit facts
fs.usda.gov - ethnobotany - food - fruits
wikipedia.org - edible fruits category
wikipedia.org - fruit - article
wikipedia.org - fruit - category

wikibooks.org - fruit recipes - category | African pear | African star apple | Apple | Apricot | Avocado | Banana | Barberry | Berry | Blackcurrant | Breadfruit | Buffaloberry | Cherry | Citrus | Coconut | Date | Durian | Fig | Jackfruit | Jam/Jelly | Kiwifruit | Mango | Papaya | Pawpaw | Peach | Pear | Pineapple | Plantain | Plum | Pomegranate | Pumpkin | Rosehip | Ume

agmrc.org - commodities products - fruits
| Apples | Apricots | Avocado | Blackberries | Blueberries | Cherries | Cranberries | Dates | Dragon Fruit | Figs | Grapes | Gooseberry | Melons | Mulberries | Olives | Pawpaw | Peaches | Pears | Persimmon | Plums | Pomegranates | Raisins | Raspberries | Strawberries | Watermelons | Wine |

kathiefry.com --> recipes --> fruit
| Apple | Apricot | Avocado | Banana | Berry Fruits | Blackberry | Blueberry | Cantelope | Carambola | Cherimoya | Cherry | Chokeberry | Citrus Fruits | Crabapple | Cranberry | Coconut | Date | Durian | Fig | Grape | Grapefruit | Guava | Honeydew | Huckleberry | Lemon | Lime | Lychee | Melon Fruits | Orange | Papaya | Passion Fruit | Peach | Pear | Pineapple | Pomelo | Plum | Pomegranate | Pomelo | Raspberry | Rhubarb | Stone Fruits | Strawberry | Tangerine | Tree Fruits | Tropical Fruits | Watermelon |

dmoz.org - cooking - fruits and vegetables (archive)
| Apples | Apricots | Avocados | Bananas/Plantains | Berries | Carambola | Cherimoya | Cherries | Citrus Fruit | Dates | Figs | Grapes | | Guava | Kiwi Fruit | Mangos | Melons | Papayas | Pawpaw | Peaches | Pears | Persimmons | Pineapples | Plums | Pomegranates | Raisins |

About Fruit

What is a Fruit?
A fruit is the mature ovary of a plant

What is a Vegetable?
A vegetable is one of the edible portions of a plant. Edible portions of plants typically include:
- leaves (e.g. lettuce)
- stem (e.g. celery)
- roots (e.g. carrots)
- tubers (e.g. potato)
- bulbs (e.g. onions)
- flowers (e.g. broccoli)

crfg.org - library fruit facts
| Acerola | Apricot | Avocado | Babaco | Banana | Cape Gooseberry | Capulin Cherry | Carambola | Che | Cherimoya | Currants | Edible Hardy Palm | Feijoa | Fig | Gooseberry | Guava | Hardy Kiwi | Jaboticaba | Jackfruit | Jujube | Kiwi | Loquat | Lychee | Macadamia | Malabar | Mango | Miracle Fruit | Mulberry | Muscadine Grape | Olive | Papaya | Passion Fruit | Pawpaw | Pepino Dulce | Persimmon | Pineapple | Pistachio | Pomegranate | Raisin Tree | Rose Apple | Sapodilla | Tamarillo | Tamarind | White Sapote |

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- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection