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Poultry Recipes Collection

A group of poultry recipes collected by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.

Chicken Recipes

Duck Recipes

Turkey Recipes

Goose Recipes


What is Poultry?
Poultry is typically defined as including any domesticated bird and wild game used for food. varieties include domestic fowl such as chicken, turkey, duck, and game hens. Also includes wild game fowl such as pheasant, guinea fowl and squab and very large bird such as ostrich ad emu.

More Poultry Recipe Collections:
- canyonranch.com - cooking - poultry recipes (archive)
- foodnetwork.com - topics - poultry recipes
- inpoultry.com - recipes (indiana state poultry association)
- whatscookingamerica.net - poultry - recipes

About Poultry:
- wikipedia.org - poultry - article
- wikipedia.rg - poultry - category

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