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North Africa Recipes

A collection of recipes originating in or influenced by the cuisines of the countries, territories and autonomous regions of North Africa.

Algerian Cuisine and Recipes

Egyptian Cuisine and Recipes

Libyan Cuisine and Recipes

Moroccan Cuisine and Recipes

South Sudan Cuisine and Recipes

Sudanese Cuisine and Recipes

Tunisian Cuisine and Recipes

Western Sahara Cuisine and Recipes

Recipe Collections:

wikibooks.org - north african recipes - category
| Algerian | Egyptian | Libyan | Moroccan | Sudanese |

recipes.fandom.com - north african cuisine - category
| Algerian | Egyptian | Libyan | Moroccan | Sudanese | Tunisian |

About the Cuisines of Northern Africa:

wikipedia.org - north african cuisine - category
| Algerian | Arab | Berber | Canarian | Egyptian | Libyan | Maghrebi | Moroccan | Moroccan Jewish | South Sudanese | Sudanese | Tunisian | Western Saharan |

commons.wikimedia.org - cuisine of north africa - images category

- Other Cuisines of Africa
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- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection