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Chestnut Recipes

A collection of chestnut recipes.
five whole chestnuts in their shells cracked open


Chestnut Recipe Collections:
- bonappetit.com - ingredient - chestnut recipes
foodandwine.com - nuts and seeds - chestnut recipes
- olivemagazine. - recipes - chestnut recipes
- wikibooks.org - chestnut recipes - category
- dmoz.org - cooking - nuts - chestnuts - 2017 archive

About Chestnuts:
- wikipedia.org - chestnut dishes - category
- wikipedia.org - chestnut - article

Chestnut Organizations
- American Chestnut Foundation
- Canadian Chestnut Council
- New Zealand Chestnut Council

- More Nut Recipes
- Recipes by Category
- Recipes by Ingredient
- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection