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Mock Champagne

When the adults drank a Thanksgiving champagne toast at our house when I was growing up, my sisters, my cousins, and I were served a non alcoholic beverage called "Mock Champagne" that contains grapefruit juice, orange juice, sugar syrup, Grenadine, and sparklilng ginger ale. We loved it then and we still love it today!


- 2/3 cup of sugar
- 2/3 cup of water
- 1 cup of grapefruit juice
- 1 cup of orange juice (no pulp if available)

- 1/4 cup of Grenadine
- 2 liter bottle of Ginger Ale, chilled


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Mix the sugar and water together and heat it in a saucepan, stirring slowly, until it comes to a boil. Lower the heat and let it boil slowly (simmer) for 10 minutes (time it carefully because the timing affects the consistency of the syrup). After the mixture cools to room temperature, combine it with the grapefruit juice and orange juice. chill the mixture completely in the refrigerator.

JUST BEFORE SERVING: mix the chilled juice mixture with the Grenadine and Ginger Ale and pour into champagne flutes or champagne saucers.

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