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Chinese Recipes and Cuisine

A collection of Chinese recipes and recipes influenced by the cuisines of China.

Chinese Almond Cookies

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Cantonese Shrimp Toast

- Char Siu | hawaiiforvisitors.com |
- Manapua (Bao) | hawaiiforvisitors.com |


cnta.gov.cn - eight famous cuisines of China - 2015 archive
- Anhui (Hui) cuisine
- Fujian (Min) cuisine
- Guangdong (Yue) cuisine
- Hunan (Xiang) cuisine
- Jiangsu (Su) cuisine
- Shangdong (Lu) cuisine
- Sichuan (Chuan) cuisine
- Zhejiang (Zhe) cuisine

cs.cmu.edu - mjw - recipes - ethnic - chinese
- doitinasia.com - recipes - chinese
- hawaiiforvisitors.com - recipes - by ethnic origin - chinese

Wiki Chinese Food Articles and Categories:
- wikibooks. - chinese recipes - category
- wikipedia.org - chinese cuisine --> article
wikipedia.org - chinese cuisine --> category
wikivoyage.org - chinese cuisine --> article
- commons.wikimedia.org --> cuisine of china --> images category

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