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Great Lakes Recipes

A collection of recipes from the Great Lakes region of the United States.

Illinois Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Michigan

Indiana Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Michigan

Michigan Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior

Minnesota Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Superior

New York Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Erie and Lake Ontario

Ohio Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Erie

Pennsylvania Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Erie

Wisconsin Cuisine and Recipes
Borders: Lake Michigan


Collections of Great lakes Recipes:
- greatlakescuisine.com - recipes
- tasteofhome.com- collection - great lakes recipes

About the Cuisine of the Great Lakes Region:
- greatlakescuisine.com
- greatlakesnow.org - introducing the foods of the great lakes
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - great lakes

- Regional Recipes of the United States
- More About U.S. Cuisines and Recipes
- International Cuisines and Recipes
- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection