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State Foods of Michigan

Information about the official state foods of the U.S. state of Michigan.

Michigan does not have any official state foods but here are some resources featuring the most well-known, most iconic, most produced and most popular foods in Michigan:

foodnetwork.com - food in america - what to eat in michigan
blueberries, cherries, chipati, chocolate chunk cookies, cider and donuts snack, coney dog, cudighi sandwich, double-baked rye bread, Greek salad, hot fudge cream puff, hummer cocktail, paczki pasty, sliders, whitefish, zip suace, almond boneless chicken (Warr Shu Gai), Bell's Brewery beer, Boston Cooler gingerale and ice cream float, Detroit Street Brick Cheese, Detroit style pizza, Dinty Moore corn beef sandwich Faygo brand soda pop, Frankenmuth Chicken Dinner, Mackinac Island Fudge.

michiganawesome.com - blogs - famous michigan snacks
dried cherries, bumpy cake, coney dogs, pasties, paczkis, wet burritos, Detroit style pizza, Better Made brand potato chips, Vlasic brand pickles, Mackinac Island fudge, Superman brand ice cream,

awesomemitten.com - famous michigan foods
apple cider and doughnuts snack, coney dogs, Detroit style pizza, olive burger, paczkis, pasties, wet burrito, whitefish, Frankenmuth Cafe chicken dinners, Better Made brand potato chips, Boston Cooler gingerale and ice cream float, Kellog's brand cereal, Mackinac Island Fudge, Superman brand ice cream, Traverse City cherries, Verners brand gingerale, Vlasic brand pickle

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