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State Pies of U.S. State

Information about the official state pies of U.S. States

Delaware | state dessert | peach pie (2009) |

Illinois | state pie | pumpkin pie (2016) |

Louisiana | state meat pie | Natchitoches meat pie (2003)

Maine | state dessert | wild maine blueberry pie (2011) |

Florida | state pie | Key Lime Pie (2006) | Recipe |

Texas | state pie | pecan pie (2013) |

Vermont | state pie (1 o 3) | apple pie a glass of cold milk (1999) |

Vermont | state pie (2 o 3) | apple pie With half ounce+ of cheddar cheese (1999) |

Vermont | state pie (2 o 3) | apple pie With large scoop of vanilla ice cream (1999) |

- Official State Foods of U.S. States
- Regional Recipes of the United States
- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection