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Sacramento Roller Rinks

Information about roller skating rinks in Sacramento, California. Includes Sacramento roller rinks of the past and present.

RINK NAME: Downtown Sacramento Roller Rink
DESCRIPTION: seasonal outdoor roller skating rink (seasonal ice rink in winter)
FIRST OPENED: June 28, 2024 (2024 season: June 28 - Sep 17)
FIRST SEASON: June 28 - September 17, 2024

WITHIN: Ali Youssefi Square
ADDRESS: 705 "K" Street
LOCATION: Sacramento City, Sacramento County, Caliornia
sacbee.com - 2024/04/24 - downtown sacramento's new roller rink

RINK NAME: Foothill Skate Inn
WEB SITE: foothillskateinn.com | Link |
ADDRESS: 4700 Auburn Boulevard
LOCATION: Sacramento City, Sacramento County, Caliornia
CONTACT: Joyce Roberts

RINK NAME: The Rinks Sacramento
WEB SITE: therinksacramento.com| Link |
WITHIN: Riverwood Shopping Center
ADDRESS: 2900 Bradshaw Road
LOCATION: Sacramento City, Sacramento County, California
CONTACT: Brad Armstrong


RINK NAME: California Skate University (Closed)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Cal Skate University
FIRST OPENED: January of 1976
ADDRESS: 25 Massie Court (near Mack Rd and Stockton Blvd intersection)
LOCATION: Sacramento City, Sacramento County, Caliornia
RINK REPLACED BY: Simmons Community Center | Facebook |
- https://www.loopnet.com/property/25-massie-ct-sacramento-ca-95823/06067-11801310390000/
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/rickele/8753669764
- sold to South Sacramento Christian enter in October of 2015
- they opened the Simmons Commnity Center

- More About California Roller Skating Rinks
- Other United States Roller Skating Rinks
- About Roller Skating Rinks
- About Ice Skating Rinks