RINK NAME: Lombard Roller Rink (1993-2023)
FIRST OPENED: around 1993 (about 30 years before 2023)
CLOSED: in or around May 2023 (owners retired and sold the property)
WEB SITE: https://www.lombardrollerrink.com/
ADDRESS: 201 West 22nd Street
LOCATION: Lombard, DuPage County, Northeast Illinois
cbsnews.com - 2023/01/31 - lombard rink closing after 30 years
cbsnews.com - 2023/03/03 - lombard rink closing later this spring
NOTE: owners announced decision to sell in a January 29, 2023 Facebook Post
RINK NAME: Skatin Place Bloomington (1973-2023)
FIRST OPENED: around 1973 (about 50 years before 2023)
CLOSED BRIEFLY: 2014 (when Overholser's took over the rink)
CLOSED PERMANENTLY: March 31, 2023 (per April 1, 2023 Facebook post)
OWNERS AT TIME OF CLOSURE: Tim and Diane Overholser
ADDRESS: 1704 South Morris Avenue
LOCATION: Bloomington, McLean County, Central Illinois
wglt.org - 2023/01/10 - owners say bloomington rink will close
wglt.org - 2023/03/23 - skate n place final days after 50 years
owners announced closure in January 10, 2023 Facebook Post
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