RINK NAME: Northwest Skateland
ALSO KNOWN DS: Roller Dome
WEB SITE URL nwskateland.com | Link
ADDRESS: 3209 Pacific Boulevard Southwest
LOCATION: Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States
democratherald.com - 2022/12/21 - albany rink has skaters rollin in
RINK NAME: Skateway Albany I (Closed)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Hermiston Skateaway I
FIRST OPENED: 1930s or 1940s
ADDRESS: 725 Montgomery Street Southeast
LOCATION: Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States
hh-today.com - 2024/04/07 - old roller rink future in the air
RINK NAME: Skateway Albany II (Closed)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Hermiston Skateaway II
ADDRESS: 1225 Sixth Avenue
LOCATION: Albany, Linn County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: Cascade Indoor Sports (no longer offers roller skating)
WEB SITE: https://cascadeindoorsports.com/
ADDRESS: 20775 High Desert Lane
LOCATION: Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: The Pavilion Outdoor Ice and Roller Skating Rink
ROLLER SEASON: typically mid-April to late September
ICE SEASON: typically Late October to early April
WEB SITE: https://www.bendparksandrec.org/facility/the-pavilion/
ADDRESS: 1001 Southwest Bradbury Way
LOCATION: Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: Lake Park Roller Rink
ADDRESS: 6400 Northwest Highway 99W
LOCATION: Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, United States
- was for sale in September of 2019
- Owned by Willamette Roller Derby/Sick Town Derby Dames
Save the Rink Fundraiser:
RINK NAME: Roll-A-Way (Closed to the public in 2013)
ADDRESS: 6400 Northwest Highway 99W
LOCATION: Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: Gresham Skate World (1974-2018)
CLOSED: October 28, 2018
ADDRESS: 1220 Northeast Kelly Avenue (at Burnside Street)
LOCATION: Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon, United States
- the rink's building owner died in 2013
- building was sold to Rise City Church
katu.com - 2018/09/09 - gresham skateworld closing after 44 years
koin.com - 20189/10/12 - gresham skate world last days of business
RINK NAME: Hillsboro Skate World (1981-2014)
CLOSED: June 22, 2014
ADDRESS: 4395 Southeast Witch Hazel Road
LOCATION: Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, United States
oregonlive.com - 2014/05/22 - skateworld hillsboro impending closure
RINK NAME: Skateland Klamath Falls (closed in 2007)
CLOSED: 2007
WEB SITE: kfskateland.com (offline)
ADDRESS: 2207 Washburn Way
LOCATION: Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, United States
- closed in 2007 to be redeveloped as office space
- operations continued at national guard armory on shasta way for a while
heraldandnews.com - 2008/10/29 - former owners won't re-open skateland klamath
RINK NAME: Lebanon Skating Center (Closed)
ADDRESS: 1355 South Main Street
LOCATION: Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon, United States
gazettetimes.com - 2008/05/14 - lebanon's last skate
newspapers.com - 1072/03 - albany democrat herald - lebanon rink sold
RINK NAME: Roller Odyssey (Closed in 2014)
WEB SITE: rollerodyssey.com (offline)
OTHER WEB SITE: sk8info.com? (also offline)
CLOSED: April 6, 2014
ADDRESS: 2425 South Pacific Highway
LOCATION: Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, United States
kobi5.com - 2014/03/26 - roller odyssey to close after 37 years
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq58zQcK8oQ
RINK NAME: Pendleton Skate City (Closed)
ADDRESS: 407 Northeast Highway 11
LOCATION: Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: Oaks Park Roller Rink
WEB SITE: https://www.oakspark.com/roller-skating-rink
ADDRESS: 7100 Oaks Parkway
LOCATION: Portland, ? County, Oregon, United States
NOTE: Portland is in 3 counties:
RINK NAME: RollerTime Salem (1965-1977)
FORMERLY KNOWN AS: Skateland West Salem
CLOSED: 1977
ADDRESS: 650 Seventh Street
LOCATION: West Salem, Marion County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: Skate Palace Salem (1976-2004)
FIRST OPENED: May 14, 1976 (newly constructed )
CLOSED: 2004
ADDRESS: Fisher Road Northeast
LOCATION: Northeast Salem, Marion County, Oregon, United States
NOTE: has hosted the Northwest Winter Invitation
RINK NAME: Skateland West Salem (1955-1965)
FIRST OPENED: January 19, 1955
CLOSED: 1965
CLOSED: date to be added, but since then demolished
ADDRESS: 650 Seventh Street Northwest
LOCATION: West Salem, Marion County, Oregon, United States
CONTACT: Donald Trussel
RINK NAME: Skateland South Salem (1966-1984)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Skateland Commercial Street
CLOSED: January of 1984 (sold and replaced by retail stores)
ADDRESS: 4656 Commercial Street
LOCATION: Salem, Marion County, Oregon, United States
CONTACT: Donald Trussel
Earliest Salem Roller Rinks Now Closed:
- Capitola Roller Skating Rink
- Mellow Moon Roller Skating Rink
RINK NAME: Springfield Skate World (Closed)
WEB SITE: spfdskateworld.com (offline)
ADDRESS: 3188 Gateway Loop
LOCATION: Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, United States
RINK NAME: TillaSkate
WEB SIGTE URL: tillamookfair.com - location - skating rink | Link |
WITHIN: Tillamook County Fairgrounds
ADDRESS: 4603 East Third Street
LOCATION: Tillamook City, Tillamook County, Oregon, United States
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