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Introduction to Bocce

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of bocce ball.
Sport of Bocce

ALSO KNOWN AS: Italian Lawn Bowling | Bocce Ball | Bocci | Boccie |
SPORT TYPE: | Boules Sport | Ball Sport | Throwing Sport |


IN ENGLISH: International Boules Federation
IN FRENCH: Federation Internationale de Boules
MEMBER OF: Confederation Mondiale des Sports de Boules
WEB SITE: http://www.fiboules.org/
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube |
NOTE: was it formerly known as international bocce federation?

ENTITY: International Boules Sports Confederation
IN FRENCH: Confédération mondiale des sports de boules (CMSB)
ESTABLISHED: 1985 (recognized by IOC in 1986)
WEB SITE: cmsboules.org (offline) NOTE:
Founded by the three international organizations
- Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale (CBI)
- Fédération Internationale de Boules (FIB)
- Fédération Internationale de Pétanque et Jeu Provençal (FIPJP)


- wikipedia.org - bocce - article
- commons.wikimedia.org - bocce - images category

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