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Introduction to Road Bowling

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of road bowling. Includes the sports of Irish road bowling, Dutch Klootschieten, German Klootschießen (Bosseln/Boßeln) and all other types of bowling in the street or on a country road.
Sports of Road Bowling and Street Bowling

SPORT NAME: Road Bowling
SPORT TYPE: | Bowling Sport | Throwing Sport | Irish Sport |

Dutch and German Road Bowling

IN DUTCH: Klootschieten
IN GERMAN: Klootschießen | Bosseln | Boßeln
IN ENGLISH: Shooting Balls
DESCRIPTION: A type or street bowling popular in the Germany and the Netherlands.
ARTICLE: Wikipedia

- commons.wikimedia.org - Boßeln - images category
- commons.wikimedia.org - klootschieten - images category

Irish Road Bowling

What is Irish Road Bowling?
Irish road bowling is a sport during which athletes hurl a small metal cannonball called a "bowl" down a one or two mile country lane with the goal of using the fewest throws to propel the ball the full distance. A single throw an go as many as 250 or 300 years.

IN ENGLISH: Irish Road Bowling Association
IN IRISH: Ból Chumann na hÉireann
ESTABLISHED: 1954 (replaced the All-Ireland Bowl Players Association)
WEB SITE: irishroadbowling.ie | Link |

ENTITY: West Virginia Irish Road Bowling
ESTABLISHED: 1994 (by Marie Burns Powell)
DESCRIPTION: organizes road bowling events in the U.S. state of West Virginia
WEB SITE: wvirishroadbowling.com | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook Page

ENTITY: Kansas Ancient Order of Hibernians: Irish Road Bowling
WEB SITE: ksroadbowling.com| Link |

pbs.org - video - irish road bowling

- newyorkroadbowling.com (offline) | 2005 | 2010 |
- roadbowls.8m.com (offline) | 2002 | 2008 | 2016 |

- bbc.com - armagh road bowling: the art of throwing bullets
- washingtonpost.com - 2005/03/29 - go play in the road
- newmilfordct.myrec.com - activities - irish road bowling
- northcoastjournal.com - lifeoutdoors - throw like the irish
- stpatsirelandin.com - road bowling
- weelunk.com - an afternoon of irish road bowling
- hubpages.com - sports - irish road bowling
- historicrugby.org - event - 2024/03/30 - rugby parkway irish road bowling
irishroadbowling.org - onondaga lake park irish road boaling

- wikipedia.org - irish road bowling bowling - article
- wikipedia.org - irish road bowling - category
- aforathlete.fandom.com - irish road bowling - article
- topendsports.com - sport - list - bowling irish road

- commons.wikimedia.org - street bowling - images category

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