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Introduction to Contract Bridge

Facts, general information and resources focused on the mind sport and card game of contract bridge.
Mind Sport and Card Game of Contract Bridge

SPORT NAME: Contract Bridge
SPORT TYPE: | Mind Sport | Card Game |

International Organizations:

ENTITY: World Bridge Federation (WBF)
ESTABLISHED: August 18, 1958
NOTE: Recognized by the IOC as a world governing body in 1995
WEB SITE: worldbridge.org | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube |
ARTICLE: Wikipedia

Continental Organizations:

ENTITY: African Bridge Federation
REGION: World Bridge Zone 8
WEB SITE: africanbridgefederation.org (offline) | 2013 | 2017 |
- Botswana: Botswana Bridge Federation | worldbridge.org |
- Egypt: Egyptian Bridge Federation | egyptbridge.org | worldbridge.org |
- Kenya: Kenya Bridge Association | worldbridge.org |
- Morocco: Fédération Royale Marocaine de Bridge | frmbridge.ma (offline) | worldbridge.org |
- Reunion: District de Bridge de la Réunion | district-bridge-reunion.fr | worldbridge.org |
- South Africa: South Africa Bridge Federation | sabf.co.za | worldbridge.org |
- Tunisia: Fédération Tunisienne de Bridge | worldbridge.org |
- Zambia: Zambia Bridge Federation | worldbridge.org |

CONTINENT: Asia - East and Southeast
ENTITY: Asia Pacific Bridge Federation
FORMERLY KNOWN AS: Pacific Asia Bridge Federation
REGION: World Bridge Zone 6
WEB SITE: pabf.org (offline) | 2006 | 2009 | 2019 |
- China: Chinese Contract Bridge Association
- Hong Kong China: Hong Kong, China Contract Bridge Association
- Indonesia: Indonesian Contract Bridge Association
- Japan: Japan Contract Bridge League Inc
- Korea: Korea Contract Bridge League
- Macau: Macau China Contract Bridge Association
- Malaysia: Malaysian Contract Bridge Association
- Philippines: Philippine Tournament Bridge Association
- Singapore: Singapore Contract Bridge Association
- Taiwan: Chinese Taipei Contract Bridge Association
- Thailand: Contract Bridge League of Thailand

CONTINENT: Asia - South Asia and West Asia (Middle East)
ENTITY: Bridge Federation of Asia and the Middle East
REGION: World Bridge Zone 4
WEB SITE: bridgewebs.com - bfame | Link |
FORMER WEB SITE: bfame.org (offline) | 2009 | 2012 | 2016 |
- Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bridge Federation
- India: Bridge Federation of India
- Jordan: Jordan Bridge Federation
- Kuwait: Kuwait Mind Sports Association
- Pakistan: Pakistan Bridge Federation
- Palestine: Palestine Bridge Federation
- Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Bridge Federation
- Sri Lanka: Bridge Federation of Sri Lanka
- United Arab Emirates: United Arab Emirates Bridge Federation

ENTITY: European Bridge League
REGION: World Bridge Zone 1
WEB SITE: eurobridge.org | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube |
ARTICLE: Wikipedia
- Albania | Albanian Bridge Federation
- Austria | Osterreichischer Bridgesportverband
- Belarus | Belarusian Contract Bridge Union
- Belgium | Royal Belgian Bridge Federation
- Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia & Herzegovina Bridge Federation
- Bulgaria | Bulgarian Bridge Federation
- Croatia | Croatian Bridge Federation
- Cyprus | Cyprus Bridge Federation
- Czech Republic | Czech Bridge Federation
- Denmark | Danmarks Bridgeforbund
- Estonia | Estonian Tournament Bridge League
- Faroe Islands | Foeroya Bridge Samband
- Finland | Bridge League of Finland
- France | Fédération Française de Bridge
- Georgia | Georgian Bridge Federation
- Germany | Deutscher Bridge-Verband e.V.
- Greece | Hellenic Bridge Federation
- Hungary | Hungarian Bridge Federation
- Iceland | Icelandic Bridge Federation
- Ireland | Irish Bridge Union
- Israel | Israel Bridge Federation (physically in Asia)
- Italy | Federazione Italiana Gioco Bridge
- Latvia | Latvia Bridge Federation
- Lebanon | Lebanese Bridge Federation
- Lithuania | Lietuvos Bridzo Asociacija
- Luxembourg | Federation Luxembourgeoise de Bridge
- Malta | Malta Bridge Association
- Monaco | Fédération Monégasque de Bridge
- Netherlands | Nederlandse Bridge Bond
- Norway | Norsk Bridgeforbund
- Poland | Polish Bridge Union
- Portugal | Federação Portuguesa de Bridge
- Romania | Romanian Bridge Federation
- Russia | Russian Bridge League
- San Marino | Federazione Nazionale Sammarinese Bridge
- Serbia | Bridge Association of Serbia
- Slovakia | Slovak Bridge Association
- Slovenia | Bridge Zveza Slovenije
- Spain | Asociación Española de Bridge
- Sweden | Swedish Bridge Federation
- Switzerland | Fédération Suisse de Bridge
- Turkey | Türkíye Bríç Federasyonu
- Ukraine | Ukrainian Federation of Sports Bridge
- United Kingdom - England | English Bridge Union
- United Kingdom - Scotland | Scottish Bridge Union
- United Kingdom - Wales | Welsh Bridge Union

ENTITY: South Pacific Bridge Federation
REGION: World Bridge Zone 7
WEB SITE: southpacbridge.org | Link |
- Australia: Australian Bridge Federation | abf.com.au | worldbridge.org |
- New Zealand: New Zealand Bridge Inc. | nzbridge.co.nz | worldbridge.org |

CONTINENT: Panamerica - Caribbean and Central America
ENTITY: Central American and Caribbean Bridge Federation
REGION: World Bridge Zone 5
WEB SITE: bridgewebs.com - cacbf | Link |
- Barbados: Barbados Bridge League Inc.
- Bermuda: Bermuda Bridge Federation
- Costa Rica: Asociación Recreativa de Bridge de Costa Rica
- Grenada: Grenada Bridge Federation
- Guadeloupe: Comite de Bridge de Guadeloupe
- Guatemala: Asociation Guatemalteca de Bridge
- Jamaica: Jamaica Bridge Association
- Martinique: District de Bridge de la Martinique
- Panama: Asociacion Panamena de Bridge
- Surinam: Surinaamse Bridge Bond
- Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad & Tobago Contract Bridge Association

CONTINENT: Panamerica - North America
ENTITY: American Contract Bridge League (ACBL)
- American Bridge League
- United States Bridge Association
WEB SITE: acbl.org
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube |
ARTICLE: Wikipedia

CONTINENT: Panamerica - North America
ENTITY: North American Bridge Federation
REGION: World Bridge Zone 2
- Canada: Canadian Bridge Federation (CBF) | cbf.ca | worldbridge.org |
- Mexico: Federacion Mexicana de Bridge (FMB) | bridge-mexico.com | worldbridge.org |
- United States: United States Bridge Federation | usbf.org | worldbridge.org |

CONTINENT: Panamerica - South America
IN ENGLISH: South American Bridge Federation
IN SPANISH: Confederación Sudamericana de Bridge
REGION: World Bridge Zone 3
WEB SITE: csbnews.org (offline) | 2012 | 2024 |
WEB SITE: confsudbridge.org (offline) | 2004 | 2011 |
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook Page
- Argentina: Asociation del Bridge Argentino
- Bolivia: Asociacion Boliviana de Bridge
- Brazil: Brasilian Bridge Federation
- Chile: Federación Chilena de Bridge
- Colombia: Federacion de Clubes de Bridge de Colombia
- Ecuador: Ecuadorian Bridge Federation
- Paraguay: Asociación Paraguaya de Bridge
- Peru: Federacion Deportiva Peruana de Bridge
- Uruguay: Asociacion Uruguaya de Bridge
- Venezuela: Federacion Venezolana de Bridge


- askaboutsports.com - bridge - 2019 archive

dmoz.org/Games - card games - trick capturing - bridge - 2017 archive

- wikipedia.org - contract bridge - article
- wikipedia.org - contract bridge - category
- wikipedia.org - contract bridge by country - category
- wikipedia.org - contract bridge governing bodies - category
- wikipedia.org - contract bridge governing bodies - list
- wikipedia.org - contract bridge clubs - category
- wikipedia.org - contract bridge glossary of terms - category
- commons.wikimedia.org - contract bridge - images category

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