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Continental Sports Events

Information about continental sports events world wide.

African Games
The inaugural editiion of the All-Africa Games were held in 1965 in the city of Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo.
| wikipedia | curlie | 2019 archive |

Asian Games
The inaugural edition of the Asian Games were held in 1951 in the city of New Delhi, India. | wikipedia | curlie | 2019 |

European Games
The inaugural edition of the European Games is scheduled to be take place in 2015 in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan. | wikipedia | archive |

Pacific Games
The inaugural Pacific Games, known at the time as the South Pacific Games, were held in 1963 in the city of Suva, Fiji.
| wikipedia | 2019 |

South Pacific Games 1963-2007
| wikipedia | 2019 |

Pan American Games
The inaugural Pan American Games were held in 1951 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
| wikipedia | 2019 |

Regional Games

Central American and Caribbean Games
| wikipedia | 2019 |

East Asian Games (1993-2013)
- 5th East Asian Games in 2009 - 2009eastasiangames.hk
- 6th 2East Asian Games in 2013 - sports.sohu.com/s2012/en-tianjin2013/
- held every 4 years
- organized by the East Asian Games Association - Wikipedia Article
- Wikipedia Category
- Curlie Directory Listing
China, Guam, Hong Kong, Japan, Kazakhstan, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan

South Asian Games
| wikipedia | curlie |

Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games)
| wikipedia | curlie |


askaboutsports.com - about - continental games - 2019 archive

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