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Introduction to Freediving

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of freediving.

SPORT NAME: Freediving
DESCRIPTION: underwater diving without any breathing apparatus
SPORT TYPE: | underwater sport | diving sport |


NAME IN FRENCH Association Internationale pour le Développement de l'Apnée (AIDA)
NAME IN ENGLISH: International Association for the Development of Apnea
ALSO KNOWN AS: International Association for the Development of Freediving
DESCRIPTION: record-keeping body for competitive breath holding events
WEB SITE: aidainternational.org | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org

ENTITY: British Freediving Association
WEB SITE: britishfreediving.org | Link |

ENTITY: Canadian Association of Freediving and Apnea
WEB SITE: freedivecanada.com | Link |

ENTITY: United States Freediving Federation
WEB SITE: usfreedivingfederation.org | Link |

ENTITY: USA Freediving
FORMERLY KNOWN AS: United States Apnea Association
ALSO FORMERLY KNOWN AS: United States Freediving Association
WEB SITE: usafreediving.com | Link |
NOTES: not associated with or related to the U.S. Freediving Federation


- askaboutsports.com - free diving - archive
- wikipedia.org - freediving - article
- wikipedia.org - freediving - category
- curlie.org - sports - water - underwater - freediving - directory
- commons.wikimedia.org - freediving - images category

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