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Introduction to Paragliding

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of paragliding.
Sport of Paragliding

SPORT NAME: Paragliding
SPORT TYPE: | Non-Motorized Air Sport | Wing Sport |

What is Paragliding?
Paragliding is an air sport in which pilots are suspended in a harness below a wing that allows a pilot to use air currents to gain altitude extend flight time. Paragliding is most typically non-motorized but there is also a segment of the sport known as powered paragliding.


ENTITY: Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors (APPI)
WEB SITE: flyappi.org | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | Instagram |

ENTITY: British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (BHPA)
- British Hang Gliding Association
- British Association of Paragliding Clubs
WEB SITE: bhpa.co.uk | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org

ENTITY: United States Powered Paragliding Association (USPPA)
ESTABLISHED: WEB SITE: usppa.org | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org

ENTITY: South African Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (SAHPA)
WEB SITE: sahpa.co.za | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org

ENTITY: United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA )
- 1971: Southern California Hang Gliding Association
- 1973 United States Hang Gliding Association
- 2006: United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
WEB SITE: ushpa.org | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org

Other Organizations and Governing Bodies:
- Argentina: Federación Argentina de Vuelo Libre
- Australia: Australian Sport Aviation Confederation
- Australia: Sports Aviation Federation of Australia
- Canada: Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association of Canada
- France: Fédération Française de Vol Libre
- Georgia: Georgian Paragliding Federation
- Germany: Deutscher Hängegleiter Verband
- Hungary: The Hungarian Free Flying Association
- South Africa: South African Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
- Switzlerland: Swiss Hang Gliding Association
- Ukraine: Paragliding Federation of Ukraine
- Uruguay: Asociacion Uruguaya de Parapentes


- Asian Games Paragliding | Wikipedia |
- Paragliding World Cup | Wikipedia |
- Red Bull X-Alps (Hike or Paraglide 1200 km) | Wikipedia |
- Southeast Asian Games Paragliding | Wikipedia |
- World Paragliding Championships | Wikipedia |
- World Paragliding Championships 2021 | Wikipedia |
- X-Pyr (Hike and Paraglide Endurance Race) | Wikipedia |
- Xcbusa (Contest by Lake Garda in the Italian Alps) | Wikipedia |


- wikipedia.org - paragliding - article
- wikipedia.org - paragliding - article
- commons.wikimedia.org - paragliding - images category
- wikipedia.org - paragliding - images category
- commons.wikimedia.org - powered paragliding - images category

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