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Introduction to Pilates

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of pilates.

DESCRIPTION: exercise focused on developing core strength and lumbopelvic stability
SPORT TYPE: fitness sport


Mat Pilates

Reformer Pilates


ENTITY: World Pilates Confederation
DESCRIPTION: Europeean Pilates organization; supports Pilates Method in all countries
WEB SITE: worldpilatesconfederation.com | Link |

ENTITY: Pilates Method Alliance
WEB SITE: pilatesmethodalliance.org | Link |

Web Sites

All About Pilates | allaboutpilates.com (offline)
Pilates Anytime | pilatesanytime.com
Pilates Insight | pilatesinsight.com (offline)
Pilates Kingdom | pilateskingdom.com |
Pilates Mary Bowen | pilates-marybowen.com |
Pilates Resource Guide | pilatesresourceguide.com (offline)


- askaboutsports.com - pilates - archive
- wikipedia.org - joseph pilates - article
- wikipedia.org - pilates - article
- wikipedia.org - pilates - category
- commons.wikimedia.org - pilates - images category

Directories of Pilates Web Sites:
botw.org - top - health - fitness - pilates | 2006 | 2012 |
curlie.org - health - fitness - pilates method | Link | | 2019 |
dmoz.org - health - fitness - pilates method | 2017 |
dir.yahoo.com - health - fitness - pilates | 2014 |

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