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Introduction to Snowmobiling

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of snowmobiling.

SPORT NAME: Snowmobiling
SPORT TYPE: | Snow | Winter | Motorized |

What Is Snowmobiling?
Snowbiling is a winter motorsports snow sport during which participants ride on motorized vehicles with sledding rails.

Organizations Focused on Snowmobiling

Makers and Brands of Snowmobiles

Venues for Snowmobiling

Snowmobile References

ENTITY: International Snowmobile Manufacturer's Association
DESCRIPTION: represents several specific snowmobile makers
WEB SITE: snowmobile.org | Link |

ENTITY: American Council of Snowmobile Associations
WEB SITE: snowmobilers.org | Link |

ENTITY: Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations
WEB SITE: ccso-ccom.ca | Link |

ENTITY: Swedish Motorcycle and Snowmobile Council
IN SWEDISH: Svenska Motorsport Förbundet
WEB SITE: svemo.se | Link |

ENTITY: Vintage Snowmobile Club of America
WEB SITE: /vsca.com | Link |

ENTITY: National Snowmobile Racing Association
DESCRIPTION: series of U.S. snowmobile races
WEB SITE: nsraracing.org (offline) | 2001 |

Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

National Straightline Snowmobile Racing


- curlie.org - recreation - outdoors - snowmobiling
- dmoz.org - recreation - outdoors - snowmobiling - 2017 archive
- yahoo.com - directory - recreation - outdoors - snowmobiling/

Archived Web Sites:
askaboutsports.com - snowmobiling - 2012 archive

- commons.wikimedia.org - snowmobiles - images category
- wikipedia - snowmobile - article
- wikipedia - snowmobiles - category

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