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UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa

Information about UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa.

Argentina World Heritage Sites - Cueva de las Manos, Rio Pinturas - Iguazu National Park - Ischigualasto / Talampaya Natural Parks - Jesuit Block and Estancias of Cordoba - Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis - Los Glaciares - Peninsula Valdes - Quebrada de Humahuaca

Barbados World Heritage Sites - Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison

Belize World Heritage Sites - Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System

Bolivia World Heritage Sites - City of Potosi - Fuerte de Samaipata - Historic City of Sucre - Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos - Noel Kempff Mercado National Park - Tiwanaku Center of the Tiwanaku Culture

Brazil World Heritage Sites - Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves - Brasilia - Brazilian Atlantic Islands - Central Amazon Conservation Complex - Cerrado Protected Areas - Diamantina Historic Center - Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves - Goias Historic Center - Iguacu National Park - Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis - Olinda Historic Center - Ouro Preto Historic Town - Pantanal Conservation Area - Salvador de Bahia Historic Center - Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas - Sao Francisco Square in Sao Cristovao - Sao Luis Historic Center - Serra da Capivara National Park

Canada World Heritage Sites - Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks - Dinosaur Provincial Park - Gros Morne National Park - Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump - Historic District of Old Quebec - Joggins Fossil Cliffs - Kluane / Wrangell-St Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek - L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site - Miguasha National Park - Nahanni National Park - Old Town Lunenburg - Rideau Canal - SGang Gwaay - Waterton Glacier International Peace Park - Wood Buffalo National Park

Chile World Heritage Sites - Chiloe Churches - Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works - Rapa Nui National Park - Sewell Mining Town - Valparaiso Seaport Historic Quarter

Colombia World Heritage Sites
- Cartegena Port, Fortresses and Monuments
- Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia
- Los Katios National Park
- Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary
- San Agustin Archaeological Park
- Santa Cruz de Mompox Historic Center
- Tierradentro National Archaeological Park
wikipedia.org - world heritage tentative list for colombia - category

Costa Rica World Heritage Sites - Cocos Island National Park - Guanacaste Consservation Area - La Amistad National Park - Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves

Cuba World Heritage Sites - Alejandro de Humboldt National Park - Camaguey Historic Center - Cienfuegos Urban Historic Center - Desembarco del Granma National Park - First Coffee Plantations in Southeast Cuba - Old Havana and its Fortifications - San Pedro de la Roca Castle, Santiago de Cuba - Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios - Vinales Valley

Dominica World Heritage Sites - Morne Trois Pitons National Park

Dominican Republic World Heritage Sites - Santo Domingo Colonial City

Ecuador World Heritage Sites - Galapagos Islands - Quito City - Sangay National Park - Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca Historic Center

El Salvador World Heritage Sites - Joya de Ceren Archaeological Site

Guatemala World Heritage Sites - Antigua Guatemala - Tikal National Park - Quirigua Archaeological Park and Ruins

Haiti World Heritage Sites - National History Park and Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers

Honduras World Heritage Sites - Copan Maya Site - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve

Mexico World Heritage Sites
- Agave Landscape
- Archaeological Site of Monte Alban
- Calakmul Ancient Maya City, Campeche
- Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
- Campeche Historic Fortified Town
- Chichen-Itza Pre-Hispanic City
- El Tajin, Pre-Hispanic City
- El Vizcaino Whale Sanctuary
- Guanajuato Historic Town and Adjacent Mines
- Gulf of California Islands and Protected Areas
- Hospicio Cabanas, Guadalajara
- Jesus Nazareno de Atotonilco Sanctuary
- Luis Barragan House and Studio
- Mexico City and Xochimilco Historic Center
- Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
- Morelia Historic Center
- Oaxaca Historic Center
- Palenque National Park and Pre-Hispanic City
- Paquime, Casas Grandes Archaeological Zone
- Popocatepetl 16th Century Monasteries
- Puebla Historic Center
- Queretaro Historic Monuments Zone
- San Miguel Protective Town
- Sian Ka'an
- Sierra Gorda of Queretaro Franciscan Missions
- Sierra de San Francisco Rock Paintings
- Teotihuacan Pre-Hispanic City
- Tequila Ancient Industrial Facilities
- Tlacotalpan Historic Monuments Zone
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Uxmal Pre-Hispanic Town
- Xochicalco Archaeological Monuments Zone
- Yagul and Mitla Prehistoric Caves
- Zacatecas Historic Center
wikipedia.org - world heritage tentative list for mexico - category

Nicaragua World Heritage Sites
- Leon Viejo Ruins
- Leon Cathedral

Panama World Heritage Sites
- Coiba National Park and Marine Protection Zone
- Darien National Park
- La Amistad National Park
- Panama City Historic District
- Panama Viejo Archaeological Site
- Portobelo-San Lorenzo Fortifications (Caribbean Side)
- Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves

Paraguay World Heritage Sites
- Jesus de Tavarangue Jusuit Mission
- La Santisima Trinidad de Parana Jusuit Mission

Peru World Heritage Sites - Arequipa Historic Center - Caral-Supe Sacred City - Chan Chan Archaeological Zone - Chavin Archaeological Site - Cuzco City - Huascaran National Park - Lima Historic Center - Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary - Manu National Park - Nasca and Pampas de Jumana Lines and Geoglyphs - Rio Abiseo National Park

St. Kitts and Nevis World Heritage Sites - Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park

St. Lucia World Heritage Sites - Pitons Management Area

Suriname World Heritage Sites - Central Suriname Nature Reserve - Paramaribo Historic Inner City

United States World Heritage Sites - U.S. World Heritage Sites by State

Uruguay World Heritage Sites - Colonia del Sacramento Historic Quarter

Venezuela World Heritage Sites - Canaima National Park - Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas - Coro and the Port of Coro


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