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West Africa Facts and Tourism

A collection of facts and travel resources for West Africa.


| Benin | Burkina Faso | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Ivory Coast |
| Liberia | Mali | Mauritania | Niger | Nigeria | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Togo |


- Do It In Africa: West Africa Guide (2019 archive)
- lonelyplanet.com - west africa
- responsiblevacation.com - vacations - west africa - travel guide
- wikitravel.org - west africa
- wikivoyage.org - west africa


West African Cuisine and Recipes


- britannica.com - place - western africa
- wikipedia.org - west african countries - category
- wikipedia.org - west africa - main article
- wikipedia.org - west africa - category

French West Africa

ENTITY: French West Africa (1895-1958)
DESCRIPTION: eight French colonial territories
CAPITAL: Saint-Louis until 1902, Dakar after 1902
- Dahomey | wikipedia | now Benin |
- French Guinea | wikipedia | now Guinea |
- French Sudan | wikipedia | now Mali |
- Ivory Coast | Cote d'Ivoire |
- Mauritania
- Niger
- Senegal
- Upper Volta | wikipedia | now Burkina Faso |
wikipedia.org - french west africa - category (1895-1958)

German West Africa

ENTITY: German West Africa (1884-1920)
CAPITAL: Saint-Louis until 1902, Dakar after 1902
TERRITORIES: eight French colonial territories
- Kamerun / Altkamerun | wikipedia |
- Ambas Bay/Victoria | ambas bay cameroon | limbe cameroon |
- Entenschnabel | wikipedia |
- Kapitai and Koba | wikipedia |
- Mahinland | wikipedia |
- Neukamerun / Deutsch-Kongo | wikipedia |
- Salaga Area | wikipedia |
- Togoland | wikipedia |
- wikipedia.org - german west africa - article
- wikipedia.org - german west africa - category

Kamerun (1884–1920)
wikipedia.org - kamerun - article

Togoland (1884–1914)
wikipedia.org - togoland - article

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