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Cake Recipes Collection

A group of cake recipes collected by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.

Cake Recipes by Category

Cheesecake Recipes

Gingerbread Recipes

Pudding Cake Recipes

Upside Down Cake Recipes

Cake Recipes by Name

Bunca's Lemon Jello Cake

Bunca's Graham Cracker Cake

Carrot Pineapple Cake

Del Monte Fruit Cocktail Cake

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Walnut Raisin Spice Cake


- bbc.co.uk - food - cake
- cs.cmu.edu - mjw - recipes - cake
- allrecipes.com recipes - desserts - cakes
- pastrywiz.com - archive - category - cake
- nytimes.com cooking - cakes

Frosting and Icing Recipes
- Other Dessert Recipes
- Recipes by Category
- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection