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Vegan Recipes Collection

A group of vegan recipes collected by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.
fresh fruits and vegetables, whole, cut up and chopped

Some of These Recipes Are Vegan

Dairy Recipes

Egg Recipes

Fruit Recipes

Grain Recipes

Vegetable Recipes


Vegan Recipes Collections:
- 101cookbooks.com - vegan recipes
- fatfreevegan.com
- foodnetwork.com - topics - vegan recipes
- ohsheglows.com - categories - recipes
- pastrywiz.com - archive - category - vegan
- seriouseats.com - vegan recipes
- theveggietable.com - vegetarianism - vegan recipes
- vegancooking.com - recipes
- wikibooks.org - vegan recipes - category

About Veganism:
- vrg.org - veganism in a nutshell
- wikipedia.org - veganism - article
- wikipedia.org - veganism - category

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- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection