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Vegetable Recipes Collection

A group of vegetable recipes collected by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.
chopped bell pepper, carrot, celery, cucumber, mushrooms

Vegetables by Category

- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Flower Vegetables
- Leaf Vegetables
- Salad Greens
- Root Vegetables
- Sea Vegetables
- Vegetables That Are Actually Fruits

Vegetables by Name

Artichoke Recipes
Asparagus Recipes
Avocado Recipes

Bean Recipes
Beet Recipes
Bell Pepper Recipes
Broccoli Recipes
Brussels Sprout Recipes

Cabbage Recipes
Carrot Recipes
Cauliflower Recipes
Celeriac Recipes
Celery Recipes
Chile Pepper Recipes
Collard Green Recipes
Corn Recipes
Cucumber Recipes

Eggplant Recipes

Garbanzo Bean Recipes
Garlic Recipes
Green Bean Recipes
Green Chile Recipes
Greens Recipes

Kidney Bean Recipes
Kohlrabi Recipes

Lentil Recipes
Lettuce Recipes

Mushroom Recipes
Mustard Green Recipes

Navy Bean Recipes

Okra Recipes
Olive Recipes
Onion Recipes

Parsnip Recipes
Pea Recipes
Peanut Recipes
Pinto Bean Recipes
Potato Recipes
Pumpkin Recipes

Radish Recipes
Rhubarb Recipes
Rutabaga Recipes

Sea Vegtable (Seaweed) Recipes
Spinach Recipes
Sweet Potato Recipes

Tomatillo Recipes
Tomato Recipes
Turnip Recipes

Watercress Recipes

Zucchini Recipes

More Vegetable Recipe Collections

wikibooks.org - vegetable recipes - category
| Afang | Alfalfa Sprout | Amaranth | Artichoke | Arugula | Asparagus | Bamboo Shoot | Banana Blossom | Bean | Beet | Bell Pepper | Bitter Bean | Bitter Melon | Bitterleaf | Bok choy | Broccoli | Broccoli Rabe | Brussels Sprout | Cabbage | Calabash (none?) | Carrot | Cauliflower | Celery | Celery Root | Chard | Chayote | Chicory | Chile | Collard Greens | Corn | Cucumber | Eggplant | Endive (none?) | Fiddlehead | Garlic | Green Bean | Kale | Kelp | Leek | Lentil | Lettuce | Mushroom | Okra | Olive | Onion | Parsnip | Pea | Radish | Rhubarb | Root Vegetable | Seaweed | Sorrel | Spinach | Sprout | Squash | Sweet Potato | Tomato | Turnip |

extension.illinois.edu - gardening - cooking
| Asparagus | Beans | Beets | Broccoli | Brussels Sprouts | Cabbage | Cantaloupe | Carrots | Cauliflower | Chard | Collards | Corn | Cucumbers | Eggplant | Kohlrabi | Lettuce | Okra | Onions | Parsnips | Peas | Peppers | Potatoes | Pumpkin | Radishes | Rhubarb | Rutabaga | Spinach | Summer Squash/Zucchini | Sweet Potatoes | Tomatoes | Turnips | Watermelon | Winter Squash |

kathiefry.com --> recipes --> vegetable
| Artichoke | Asparagus | Avocado | Bean | Beet | Broccoli | Brussels Sprouts | Cabbage | Carrot | Cauliflower | Celeriac (Celery Root) | Celery | Chard | Chile Pepper | Collard Green | Corn | Cucumber | Eggplant | Fern | Garlic | Green Bean | Greens | Kale | Kohlrabi | Lettuce | Lima Bean | Mushroom | Mustard Greens | Okra | Olive | Onion | Parsnip | Pea | Pepper | Plantain | Potato | Pumpkin | Radish | Rhubarb | Rutabaga | Sea Vegetable (Seaweed) | Spinach | Squash | Sweeet Onion | Sweet Potato/Yam | Tomatillo | Tomato | Turnip | Watercress | Zucchini |

agmrc.org - commodities products - vegetables
| Asparagus | Avocados | Bell and Chili Peppers | Broccoli | Cabbage | Carrots | Cauliflower | Celery | Chickpeas | Beans Edible Dry | Eggplants | Lettuce | Melons | Olives | Onions | Peanuts | Potatoes | Pumpkins | Spinach | Squash | Sweet Corn | Sweet Potatoes | Tomatoes | Watermelons |

dmoz.org - cooking - fruits and vegetables (2017 archive)
| Artichokes | Asparagus | Beans/Legumes | Beets | Broccoli | Brussels Sprouts | Cabbage | Carrots | Cauliflower | Celery | Coconut | Corn | Cucumbers | Eggplants | Garlic | Green Beans | Greens | Kohrabi | Lettuce | Mushrooms | Okra | Olives | Onions | Parsnips | Peanuts | Peppers | Potatoes | Pumpkin/Squash | Rhubarb | Rutabagas | Sea Vegetables | Sweet Potatoes/Yams | Tomatillos | Tomatoes | Turnips |

About Vegetables

What is a Vegetable?
A vegetable is one of the edible portions of a plant. Edible portions of plants typically include:
- leaves (e.g. lettuce)
- stem (e.g. celery)
- roots (e.g. carrots)
- tubers (e.g. potato)
- bulbs (e.g. onions)
- flowers (e.g. broccoli)

What is a Fruit?
A fruit is the mature ovary of a plant

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- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection