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Broccoli With Garlic Crumbs

An online recipe with instructions for making Broccoli With Garlic Crumbs.


- cooked broccoli Spears
- garlic, minced
- melted Butter
- dry bread Crumbs


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Place the cooked broccoli in a buttered shallow baking dish.

Separately, cook the minced garlic in the melted butter and stir in enough breadcrumbs to make a mixture that is dry enough to sprinkle over the top of the broccoli.

Sprinkle the crumb topping over the garlic

Bake in a 400 degree F oven until the crumbs begin to brown.

NOTE: We like to sprinkle a large amount of crumbs on the broccoli and we also like to use a large amount of garlic, but you can adjut the quantity of crumb topping and the intensity of the garlic flavor to taste.



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