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Bunca's Mashed Potatoes

The secret to the delicious taste of Bunca's mashed potatoes is soaking cut raw potatoes in salted water for several hours or overnight before cooking. The soaking process removes enough starch to make the potatoes more fluffy and it also gives the potatoes a very special taste that I have only been able to duplicate by soaking the potatoes before

Soak Potatoes
Soak raw, peeled potato chunks in enough water to completely cover them from 2 hours to overnight. This reduces the starch and acrylamide in the potatoes and, in the case of mashed potatoes, gives the potatoes a unique taste. Drain off the soaking water and cover the potatoes with fresh water when you are ready to boil them. IMPORTANT NOTE: Soaking potatoes in water removes some of the starch, resulting in fluffier mashed potatoes, but you need to know that soaking also reduces a potato's healthy nutrients.

Mashed Potato Ingredients
- 2 pounds of Russet potatoes
- 2 tablespoon of salt (for salting the boiling water)
- Up to 1 cup of milk or light cream (half and half)
- 4 to 6 tablespoons butter, melted
- 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper (optional)
- 1/4 teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg (optional)

Mashed Potatoes Instructions
Pre-soak raw, peeled, cut up chunks of potato as directed at the top of this recipe. Place the pre-soaked potatoes in a large cooking pan, completely covering the potatoes with cold water. Add the 1 tablespoon of salt t the water and bring to a simmer. Cook the potatoes on simmer until a knife can be easily inserted in the center (take care not to overcook). Drain all of the water off the potatoes. Heat the milk and butter in a small saucepan. (Important for the mashws potatoes' texture not to add cold milk and butter.) Mash the potatoes using an electric mixer or hand masher until the are smooth. Mix in the pepper and nutmeg (if you are using them). Gradually mix in the warm milk and butter mixture, a bit at a time, until the pototoes have a perfect texture (add the liquid gradually to make sure you don't end up with runny mashed potatoes because you have added too much liquid). Pile the hot mashed potatoes in a warmed serving dish, place a large pat of butter in the center of the potatoes, and sprinkle paprika over the top.

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