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Introduction to Pool

Facts, general information and resources focused on the sport of pool.

ALSO KNOWN AS: Pocket Billiards
DESCRIPTION : played on a table with six pockets
EQUIPMENT: a pool table, cue sticks and 9 or 15 balls
SPORT TYPE: | cue sport | table sport |

International Organizations:

ENTITY: World Pool-Billiard Association
DESCRIPTION: governing body for pool (aka pocket billiards)
WEB SITE: wpapool.com Link |
AFFILIATED WITH: World Confederatioin of Billiards Sports
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org

ENTITY: World Eightball Pool Federation
WEB SITE: wepf.org | Link |

ENTITY: Asian Pocket Billiard Union
WEB SITE: apbucuesports.org | Link |

ENTITY: European Pocket Billiard Federation
WEB SITE: epbf.com | Link |

National and Regional Organizations

ENTITY: Armenian Snooker And Pocket Billiards Federation
ALSO KNOWN AS: Amenian Snooker Federation
DESCRIPTION: governs snooker and pool in Armenia
WEB SITE: aspbf.am | Link |

ENTITY: Australian Eight Ball Federation
WEB SITE: aebf.com.au | Link |

ENTITY: Billiard Congress of America
WEB SITE: bca-pool.com | Link |

ENTITY: United States Professional Poolplayers Association
WEB SITE: upatour.com | Link |

ENTITY: Women's Professional Billiard Association
ESTABLISHED: 1976 as the Women's Professional Billiard Alliance
WEB SITE: wpba.com | Link |
NOTE: U.S. professional women's pool tour organizer


3-Ball | wikipedia.org |
7-Ball | wikipedia.org |
8-Ball | wikipedia.org |
8-Ball British | wikipedia.org |
9-Ball | wikipedia.org |
10-Ball | wikipedia.org |
15-Ball | wikipedia.org |
American Pool | wikipedia.org |
Bank Pool | wikipedia.org |
One Pocket | wikipedia.org |
Straight Pool | wikipedia.org |


SERIES: International Pool Tour (2005-2006)
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org


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- commons.wikimedia.org - pool (cue sports) - images category

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